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 Rosacea is a chronic disease, with severe periods and less severe symptoms.

treat Rosacea redness on face

Rosacea (red face)
Rosacea is a well-known skin problem that often affects the face. Symptoms include flushing periods.

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As the problem of rosacea progresses, other symptoms may also appear:
burning sensation or swelling

Persistent red

Acne (papules and pustules)

Small blood vessels are visible on the skin

In more severe cases, there is thickening and stretching of the skin, often in and around the nose.

Read more about the symptoms of rosacea.

If you think you have acne, early treatment can reduce the chance of developing serious symptoms.
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Causes of rosacea activation
The exact cause of rosacea is not known, but many factors have been identified as contributing to the severity of the condition.
These include:
cold air
Many medications such as vasodilators
hot drink
Alcohol and caffeine
certain types of food, such as spicy food
Identifying and avoiding rosacea triggers is the most effective way to control the symptoms.
Read on to learn more about how to prevent rosacea.
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rosacea treatment

There is no cure for rosacea, but there are treatments to help with symptoms.

Rosacea is a chronic disease, with severe periods and less severe symptoms.

In addition to avoiding the cause, many treatments can prevent them from becoming hyperactive.

Read more about treating rosacea.

Rosacea can affect your profile. For some people, it can lead to feelings of inferiority or resentment. If you feel depressed, talk to your doctor.

Read more about the psychological impact and complications of long-term problems like rosacea.

Who does it affect?

Rosacea is very common and is estimated to affect one in 10 people. This usually happens in people with fair skin, but it can also happen in Asian and African people.

This can happen in both men and women at any age. However, it usually starts after the age of 30. Middle-aged women are at a higher risk of hot flashes that lead to menopause.

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Symptoms of rosacea come and go. The disease has many common symptoms, but not everyone experiences possible symptoms.

Common symptoms include:

to wash
constant blushing
rashes and rashes
the appearance of blood vessels
thick skin
eye irritation
These symptoms are described in detail here.

flush - temporary blush

A rash is usually the first sign of rosacea when your skin turns red. Happens from childhood to early adolescence. The wash (rinse) cycle can take up to five minutes.

Adults often experience reddening of the mouth due to rapid changes in body temperature. This problem can be affected by strong sunlight, hot drinks,
or exercise.

This redness may spread to your neck and chest, and you may feel an uncomfortable warmth.

red face

The most common symptom of rosacea is a, persistently red face. This redness is similar to a skin rash associated with sunburn or excessive alcohol consumption that does not go away.

This can be very distressing for people with rosacea, as people can think it is alcohol in large quantities.

This rash usually affects the cheeks, nose, and chin, but it can spread to the forehead, neck, and chest. Sometimes the skin can be dry, flaky, or swollen.

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If you have rosacea, the small blood vessels on the surface of your skin may become irritated.

This causes your skin to redden and your veins become permanently narrowed and visible (veins). The medical name for visible veins is telangiectasia.

rashes and swelling

If you have rosacea, you may also have:

Eruptions are small round bumps that break out on your skin

pustular swelling

These spots will appear on your face and may look like acne or pimples. This is called acne-rosacea, but they are two different conditions.

In rosacea, blackheads (small clogged pores) are absent and the skin is not flaky, but rather dry and scaly. Rosacea does not leave a scar.

skin thickening

In more severe cases of acne, the skin, usually around the nose, can thicken and form excess tissue. This causes the nose to become thick and swollen. It is called rhinophyma.

Rhinophyma is a rare and severe form of rosacea that takes years to develop. This is more common in men than in women.