Beat top 10 Way Safety Through Simulated-based

 Due to its beneficial attributes,

Improvement in Patient Safety

intext ICU provides simulation-based training. which gives delegates full exposure to real-life scenarios. , it will improve the quality of treatment in the future and reduce error-related deaths to some extent.

Since the 1980s, Guest Posting patient safety has been a huge health concern throughout the globe. According to WHO, almost one person in 300 will get harmed during a medical procedure.

Amongst them, around four people out of 10 can have a harmful experience during primary or outpatient care.

In such cases, the primary cause is known to be wrong treatment. These errors cause almost 2.6 million deaths every year.

, misdiagnosis handles 40,000 to 80,000 deaths every year.

So, how is such a scenario going to be changed? According to a research module, simulation-based training can be an ideal solution in this aspect. Let’s learn how.

Better Communication

As per a study, a doctor works almost 61-80 hours per week. It is pretty disastrous from the viewpoint of human health and takes a huge toll on them as well. Due to this reason, many physicians also experience burnout syndrome. Around 40% to 76% of individuals working as medical professionals usually experience it yearly.

In some cases, the bouts of burnout can affect the concentration of a doctor and force them to make mistakes. In this aspect, working on the aspect of communication can be helpful for them. Whilst experiencing an issue, a physician can communicate with others to tell them about the condition of the patient.

This way, it becomes easier for the other doctor to take care of the situation with ease. Better communication can also improve the efficiency of a healthcare unit by 45%. But, communicating with each other during a medical procedure isn’t a casual skill. It takes quite some time to master. You can create a simulated environment to make your doctors practice this skill set more. It can reduce the mistakes made in a real-life situation much easier.

Reduce Costs
Did you know that medical errors cost somewhere around USD 20 billion? That’s right! Making a mistake can cause your hospital to treat or correct some issues. You may have to pay the patient’s family as well, which may increase the expense even more. But, by undergoing simulation-based training, your doctors

will perform much better, even under pressure. Thus, they will make lesser mistakes as well. If everything goes by plan, such practices may reduce the number of deaths (around 98,000 per year) caused by fundamental medical errors.

Better Professionalism

Professionalism is yet another glaring concern that causes most people to think twice before visiting a doctor. According to a report, a physician usually listens to their patients for only 11 seconds.

Additionally, around 21% of doctors also avoid various questions when talking to a troubled or concerned individual. But, this issue can be solved through simulation-based training.

With it, doctors can appear more presentable to their patients. They can also improve their listening ability and offer the right sort of advice to everyone.


Due to its beneficial attributes, intext ICU provides simulation-based training which gives delegates full exposure to real-life scenarios. , it will improve the quality of treatment in the future and reduce error-related deaths to some extent.