Top 10 Most common reasons for physical therapy

Read how physical therapy from Health Loft can help with lower back pain.
My Lower Back Pain

The pains of WFH

WFH has become a ubiquitous acronym of fate. I had mixed feelings about the “Work from home” model ever since it became maa stay in my company over the last year. When the firm announced a permanent WFH option for those in my department, I decided to put my feelings in ink.

I brought out the pen and paper and wrote down the pros and cons. While the pros outnumbered the cons, they didn’t outweigh them. There was a con in particular heavy on the back of my mind, my love: my.

Denial of pain 

You read about all the ill effects of your poor lifestyle habits but continue by telling yourself that this does. I knew that my lifestyle had become sedentary even before WFH exacerbated the situation but never gave it much thought. I could hear my lower back whimper every time I sat down for far too long but I ignored its feeble cry.

One morning but when I woke up with my lower back screaming. It was stiffer than a dried-out tree branch. I realized that living in denial meant living with worsening lower back pain. I decided to heed its bellowing. 

Temporary measures
Temporary Measures

I reached out to my family doctor who had me undergo a battery of tests. I was put through MRI scans, and X-rays while my blood was broken down into its bare constituents to root out nutritional inadequacies. When the doctor said that all the results were negative and that I had nothing to worry about, I worried even more. this was the first time in my life I was disappointed with negative medical results.

The doctor told me that there was no sign of pain. To quell my whining and complaining, he prescribed me painkillers and sent me on my way back home. Over the next few days, I popped the pain killers and the pain would dissipated. This worked, for a while.

The painkillers worked by numbing my back and masking the pain. The medicines attacked the symptom but ignored the cause. I went back to the doctor who remained dismissive of my pain and prescribed more medicines. Disillusioned, I left the clinic and begin scouring the internet.

Permanent cure
Permanent Cure

I came across myriad options; acupuncture, reiki, homeopathy, Ayurveda, and many others. I was but as skeptical of these as the doctor was of my back pain; I wanted something more practical. I stumbled on to that something when I discovered Health loft which offered physical therapy for back pain.

Skeptical but desperate, I signed up for an initial assessment with a physical therapist. They say you only get one chance to make a good first impression and grabbed that opportunity with both hands. From the outset, they delivered and then some more.

The physical therapist conducted a full assessment to test my coordination, motion, and mobility. She also dived into the history of my back pain, evaluated my lifestyle, and worked out the origins of my back pain. She explained to me that unexplained back pain was a common complaint. It results from poor posture and can be corrected in the long run through physical therapy for back pain.

Realistic healing
Realistic Healing

I remember walking out of the clinic that day in pain and yet smiling because for the first time, in a longest time, I felt hopeful and confident. What convicted me about Health loft was their assertion that while healing was possible, realistic healing takes time and effort. Physical therapy for back pain works only if works for it; there is no miracle pill.

Over the next few weeks, the therapist and I underwent a series of exercises and posture changes addressing my weaker areas. I would do the exercises she suggested at home through their mobile application.

but my mobility and strength improved. but my pain and suffering reduced until one day I woke up feeling no pain in my back; a feeling I had not experienced in years. I continued for a few more weeks at Health loft till I started jumping out of bed like a loaded catapult.