

When it comes to your health, it pays to ASK your doctor QUESTIONS so you can make an informed decision!

Don't be shy - ask yourself these questions

We strongly encourage you to know all you can about your health. In this article, Guest Post, we will discuss some health tips and give sample questions to ask your doctor.

Tip #1: Take an active role in your health

Participate in all treatment options and decision-making to play an active role in your health care.

For example, your GP may refer you to a dermatologist for a skin rash or skin condition. You may also be referred to a chiropractor or physical therapist if you have muscle or lower back pain. Learn more about back pain at The Back Clinic here.

You have the right to ask questions of anyone involved in your care. It may help to write down questions to ask at your next doctor's visit to ensure you have all the necessary information. This information can be a set of questions, information about certain procedures and medications, and information about how long recovery will take (if possible).

Tip #3: Before consenting to any surgery, ask the medical staff what they intend to do

Doctors should inform you of their plans before surgery. It is important to understand your symptoms, diagnosis, and causes Read more about common surgical procedures here.

This list should include all medications, home remedies, and herbal remedies, if any, as well as tea, vitamins, and any recorded weight gain or loss. You can even include food intake information. There may be dietary restrictions, especially if you are required to take specific medications.

You will learn about your medicines, why you are taking them, and any side effects. Tell your doctor about any allergies you have and the type of reaction or side effects you usually experience. During the checkup, don't forget to ask about your prescribed medications.

Here are some medical questions to ask the next time you visit your doctor.

Questions about symptoms or diagnosis:

Why do I feel body pain?

How serious is this condition?

What causes this condition?

Could it be genetic?

What are the effects – long and short-term?

Questions about treatment or surgery:

How is this condition treated?

How long does the process take?

What are the side effects?

Is this condition recurring?

What are the risks of surgery?

How will this affect my personal life?

How much will the treatment cost?

Will my health insurance cover the cost?


These are just some initial questions you can ask your doctor or other healthcare professional. The purpose of a primary care physician is to assess your health risks and provide recommendations to help you take control of your health. This means getting a comprehensive picture of your health. In this way, you can prevent possible problems from recurring.